domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2015

Hello everyone!! Welcome to my blog!

Hello everyone!! welcome to my little humble blog, T-bot-dayo!!, nice to meet you all!! Now, i-i think i should introduce myself right? hee hee~!.

Nice to meet you all!, my web name is Ellie (in games and such hihihi), but must commonly know as t-bot!. I am a photography enthusiast, figure lover, craft lover, otaku, and of course, i´m well know as a little person hungry to keep growing! (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑  I love my little Kaito nendoroid a lot, and i absolutely love to take him photos! he is my fist and currently only nendoroid hee hee~!

The concept of this blog, all started with my passion for the anime world and of course, figures! so just imagining the idea of creating a site, where we all could connect to this wonderful hobby, learn together and of course have fun seemed a bit magical to me, so i I thought why not give it a try? what could happen?. Since i don´t have a lot of experience in the procces of creating a blog, nor the amazing photography skills,i was a bit nervous about this ヾ( •́д•̀ ;)ノ, but in the end, i gained the courage and decided to just jump on the train to this dream.

My figure hobby started as a big love for anime,such as series and wondrful characters that i "met" all the way down here, and it reached to this wonderful hobby life!.

So now, you´ll probably be asking yourself what am i going to do with this blog? i wish i can inspire more people to embrace their own dreams, to not be afraid of failure, and to do what you love without any kind of regrets! i´ll love to show my pictures with the world, such as also, creations and ideas.

So! in this blog, (more specifically), you´ll find (hope pretty soon) figure reviews (hope so!), DIY for your figures, tutorials, and some more!, of course, always accompanied by my beloved Kaito!

Allow yourself to browse through the rabbit hole!, and thanks so much for visiting this  blog!
Hope we all get along nicely an that my pictures will give you sweet feelings!


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